Formation: Circular Set 5 couples
Numbering: 1,4,2,5,3 anti clockwise around set (count every second couple)
Music: 5 x 64 bar jigs
4 ADVANCE AND RETIRE, with hands joined to form a circle
4 CIRCLE LEFT, 8 slip steps
4 CIRCLE RIGHT, keep hands joined around the set.
8 COUPLE 1 SPLIT THE RING, cross the set, pass through a single hand arch made by 2nd lady and 5th man,
then drop hands with partner (couple 1 only) and lead each half of the circle around the outside
of the set to original places. Arching couple turn under own arch in place.
8 SPLIT THE RING THE OTHER WAY. Couple 1 raised joined (inside) hands to form a single arch and 2nd Lady and 5th man cross the set, pass through the arch and separate to return to place, each leading their half of the set behind them
4 ARCHES, COUPLES 1 AND 2 change places, couple 1 make arch (single hand), couple 2 under arch, each couple do courtesy turn in place
4 COUPLES 1 AND 3 change places
4 COUPLES 1 AND 4 change places
4 COUPLES 1 AND 5 change places
4 SWING partners
8 PROMENADE around set to finish in new position
64 x 4 Repeat with new couple in 1st place each time.