Heritage Ball 2013

More than A Touch of Regency

May 18th, Parramatta Town Hall, PARRAMATTA

Here is a note for dancers attending the ball: Letter to dancers

The List of Dances (in proposed order, .... I've nearly finished them)
Some dances may be held in reserve and danced should time permit.

Note These instructions are provided as a reference only for dancers
attending the Ball. More comprehensive instructions may be
prepared at a future time as resources permit.
The dance descriptions and terminology presented here may
also differ slightly from those used by the callers at the Ball.

Mazurka #
Grand March
The Quadrille
Cheshire Rounds**
Lady Ann Stewart's Strathspey**
Swab the Decks **
Lord Castlereagh's Waltz**
Scotch Reel**
The Lancers Quadrille
Thady You Gander
The Royal Irish Quadrille
Duke of Kents Waltz
Lady Mary Douglas**
Transit of Venus **
Nancy Dawson**
Waltz cotillon
Baker's Wife **
Love em and Leave em#

** See also dance historian Heather Clarke's website for additional details of some of the newer dances/versions in this program.
# Couples dances will be announced and commenced by dancers familar with the dance.

# Not walked through.

This page updated May 6th, 2013.